Optimise your website with these 5 great tips

Optimise your website with these 5 great tips

Wondering how to optimise your website? You’re not alone. I think we can all agree that SEO is a minefield. Not only are there myriad factors that affect a website’s search engine rankings, but also nobody (except for certain employees at Google) knows...
7 reasons why testimonials are great for business

7 reasons why testimonials are great for business

Testimonials are great for business. They have been a fantastic marketing tool for many decades. Then the internet came along, and they have only become more powerful. This is because the voice of a happy customer is far more convincing than if the company itself is...
5 of the best WordPress plugins for your website

5 of the best WordPress plugins for your website

A WordPress website is a sensible investment for any business. But what are the best WordPress plugins, the ones that every business owner should install on their shiny new website? In this blog post I will share what I consider to be the five best WordPress plugins...